In this section, you will be able to visualize more information about what our DJs have in mind for your playlist.
👉️ What details will you find?
- Number of songs included in your playlist
- Total duration in hours
- A brief musical summary describing your playlist
- Featured artists included in the music selection
- Hourly segments and the songs that are part of each segment
You can also use the feedback tool by giving a thumbs up 👍️ to the songs you like and a thumbs down 👎️ to the ones you consider not suitable for your brand.
👉️ Please keep in mind:
- If you rate fewer than seventeen songs negatively per segment, they will be automatically removed.
- If you rate more than seventeen songs negatively per segment, our DJs will work on refining your playlist, understanding the rationale for your brand, removing the marked negative songs, and adding new ones to maintain the length of your playlist.